Main Content

Agricultural programs utilize science-based knowledge and research to provide assistance in the areas of crops, nursery and landscaping, farmland preservation and home horticulture.
The Natural Resources faculty and staff develop and implement actions to encourage and assist local communities, groups, and individuals in protecting and wisely protecting environmental resources of land, water, air, vegetation, and wildlife.
Our staff works closely with our residents, community groups, and government agencies to support Ocean County’s growers, environment, and natural resources.
For more information on any of these programs, please call 732-505-3671.
Pesticide Applicator Training Manuals may be purchased at our office, we accept cash or checks payable to “O.C. Board of Agriculture”, with proper id. Credit cards NOT accepted. A list of training manuals is available online. Call 732-349-1246 for availability of books. Training manuals are available for purchase online.

Natural Resources
- How to Get a Soil Map (PDF)
- Sustainable Landscapes Information
- Rutgers Master Gardeners
- Professional Fertilizer Certification Website
- Understanding Soil Compaction
- Get the Dirt on Your Soil
- Save Water…Every Drop Counts!